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Li Keqiang Meets with Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa of Uganda
2014-03-19 15:15

In the afternoon of March 18, 2014, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Sam Kutesa of Uganda at the Great Hall of the People.

Li Keqiang said, both China and Africa belong to the developing world. In the struggle for national independence, and in pursuing national development, China has always shared the common destiny with all African countries including Uganda. China will continue to support the cause of peace and development in Africa, to consolidate China-Africa traditional friendship, and to promote friendly cooperation between China and African countries. I am looking forward to visit Africa within this year to promote continuous development of China-Africa relations at a new historical starting point.

Li Keqiang pointed out, as guardian of world peace and promoter of common development, the United Nations (UN) shoulders a sacred responsibility for maintaining the basic norms of international relations. China firmly backs the UN and the UN General Assembly to play greater roles, to seize the key word of development, to work hard for the post-2015 development agenda, to seek more benefits for African countries, and to make more positive efforts bringing tangible benefits to developing countries.

Kutesa said that as a reliable friend to African countries, China has provided long-term precious support and selfless help to the African countries for their national independence and development, and firmly protected their interests in international affairs. The African countries look forward to an early visit of Premier Li Keqiang, and believe that his African trip would promote greater achievements in the bilateral relations. African countries including Uganda are willing to join efforts with China to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, and to strengthen coordination and cooperation in the UN and other multilateral organizations, so as to safeguard the common interests and promote world peace and development.

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