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Li Keqiang Meets with Indian Guest
2014-03-19 11:00

In the afternoon of March 19, 2014, Premier Li Keqiang met at Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai with Montek Singh Ahluwalia, who is attending the third China-India Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) in China as the Indian Chairman.

Li Keqiang said that as important neighbors to each other, China and India have maintained a sound development momentum of bilateral relations. This year marks the "Year of China-India Friendly Exchanges" and China is willing to join efforts with India to consolidate mutual political trust and to expand all-dimensional cooperation, so as to push forward China-India strategic cooperative partnership to a new level.

Li Keqiang pointed out, both China and India are now faced with the same tasks of speeding up economic transformation and integrating economic development, improvement of people’s livelihood with energy conservation and environmental protection as well as promotion of sustainable development. Hope that both sides will bring our unique and huge advantages of 2.5 billion population into full play, seize the development opportunities, deepen cooperation in urbanization, information and telecommunications, high-tech and other fields, put together China’s advantages of technology and low-cost in equipment manufacturing for high-speed railways and energy industry with the demands of Indian market, and join hands to promote the construction of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor, so as to advance the regional connectivity and integration.

Ahluwalia said that the two Premiers exchanged visits last year, which has greatly promoted the development of bilateral relations. The current India-China cooperation is faced with precious opportunities, and India is ready to work with China to make the celebration of the "Year of India-China Friendly Exchanges" a success and to enhance cooperation in industrial parks, railways, energy, urbanization and other fields, so as to score new achievements in the development of India-China relations. India welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest in the country and will offer facilitation for them.

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